
SugarOutfitters September Round-Up

Posted by on October 4, 2022
In addition to a handful of brand new listings, we have unveiled a largely anticipated website enhancement. See what went on in SugarOutfitters for the month of September!

Features Update: Glances Launches Actions, Auto-Search, and Filters

Posted by on March 9, 2022
Glances integrates SugarCRM with all your favorite business apps, empowering you with a single view of your customer insights and personal tasks across multiple apps, in real time. In this features update, we'll recap what Glances is, how it works with Sugar, and what new functions have been developed to make your everyday tasks easier.

Set Helpful Maintenance Windows and Warnings in SugarCRM

Posted by on October 19, 2021
Upsert® Lockout lets you set maintenance windows so that administrators can't make disruptive changes or run performance-draining processes during peak SugarCRM usage times.

Easily Manage Calendaring and Work Schedules in SugarCRM

Posted by on July 12, 2021
Upsert® Calendar lets you see the events from all SugarCRM activity modules plus your custom modules in one calendar! Enjoy better shared calendar views by selecting the users, teams, and/or roles that matter to you, and see your complete activity lineup in agenda view.