Installation Guide
Installing the Add-on
1. Step 1
Download the zip file.
2. Step 2
Sign in to SugarCRM and go to the Administration panel. Under Developer Tools, click Module Loader. Click Choose file, select the zip file you downloaded, and click Upload.
3. Step 3
The SugarCRM User Adoption tracker appears in the list of modules to install when the upload is complete. Click Install. If the installation is successful, you will be redirected to the license key page. Copy and paste the key found with your download and validate.
4. Step 4
Back in the Administration panel, select System > Repair > Quick Repair and Rebuild to rebuild your SugarCRM instance with the installed SugarCRM User Adoption tracker module. When the task is complete, the prompt "Return to Administration page" appears at the end of the status messages.
5. Step 5
Your module is now ready to use. All future logins are now logged and tracked. To view activity go to the new Login Tracker module.