by Tuitio

Tracks failed and successful logins. Captures remote IP address, typed username and user agent string.

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TurnPike is a standard installable package available for SugarCRM. Please follow the instructions below to install and configure your new module.


Download the package from the SugarOutfitters store. Navigate to the Module Loader (Admin > Module Loader) and upload the zip file.

Next click on Install and navigate through the steps to complete.


Once installed, you'll want to add your license key. Navigate to the TurnPike configuration page (Admin > TurnPike Configuration). You'll see a page like the one below:



License Key

Here you can enter your Suite store license key

User Agent

Choose whether to capture the User Agent or not for login events. The default is Yes, but you may either not need this information or have a regulatory reason for omitting this data.

Handle X-Forwarded-For

Some configuration may proxy HTTP requests through a load balancer or HTTP proxy. Commonly these types of appliances will set the original source IP in a custom header, 'X-Forwarded-For'. By default, TurnPike will look for this header and use the contents if found. However, you may with to force the behaviour to either ignore or always use.

Log Access Token Refreshes

As access tokens expire, the Sugar client side interface (or a connecting API client) will use the refresh token to request a new access token. This option allows you to capture these events. Note that should they fail, the username will not be captured as it is not present in the request.

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