by simplesaas

This dashboard helps SugarCRM admins to view and download missing data across key modules instantly. It helps them saving bucket loads of effort and time each month which they would spend otherwise in building Sugar reports and manual analysis.

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#3611 - Unable to access configuration page

Closed Installation created by ITS4U 6 years ago
Dear team, I'm trying to evaluate your module on the SugarCRM demo portal. I downloaded vers 1.0 for 7.8 and above and deployed it on our 7.9.0 test instance. The installation suceeded apparently but if I click on the DQA link in the admin menu I get the following message : > Data not available > Page does not exist or you do not have permission to access this page. > Please try again. If the error persists, please contact your Sugar Administrator. Go back to previous page. I am logged in as an admin. Any idea of what is causing the issue? Thanks in advance, Damien
  1. simplesaas member avatar

    simplesaas Provider

    6 years ago

  2. simplesaas member avatar

    simplesaas Provider

    6 years ago

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