by 38 Elements

Essential solution to help you keep your SugarCRM data in perfect shape!

Primary source of problems with your SugarCRM data is duplicate entries that you are making while working. Eliminate those with advanced detection techniques and resolve them in few easy steps.

#3114 - DeDupit 4.0.X not compatible with SuiteCRM

Closed Feature created by BoBo 7 years ago
Hi SugarOutfitters We are trying to install DeDupit on a SuiteCRM instance for one of our customers. But DeDupit 4.0.X is not compatible with SuiteCRM. I've tried to install DeDupit 4.0.5 on SuiteCRM 7.9 RC1 and get the following error: ~~~ [FATAL] Error creating table: et_duplicatefinderprocess: Query Failed: CREATE TABLE et_duplicatefinderprocess (id char(36) NOT NULL ,name varchar(255) NULL ,date_entered datetime NULL ,date_modified datetime NULL ,modified_user_id char(36) NULL ,created_by char(36) NULL ,description text NULL ,deleted bool DEFAULT '0' NULL ,assigned_user_id char(36) NULL ,eontek_module_name varchar(100) NULL ,active varchar(100) DEFAULT 'no' NULL ,rules_configuration longtext NULL ,automerge varchar(30) DEFAULT 'no' NULL ,automerge_configuration text NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY idx_et_duplicatefinderprocess_tmst_id (team_set_id)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci: MySQL error 1072: Key column 'team_set_id' doesn't exist in table ~~~ Looks like SuiteCRM has no Teams-Module. Do you have already a SuiteCRM compatible version of DeDupit? Or are you planning to provide a SuiteCRM compatible version of DeDupit? Do you have a roadmap with a fixed date? Thanks in advance, armin
  1. chrisbochsler member avatar


    7 years ago

  2. eontek-primary-contact member avatar

    38 Elements

    7 years ago

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