#1102 - Multiple email addresses
How does Sugarchimp handles multiple email addresses? What happens for example when a contact subscribes on two Mailchimp lists (each with a different email address)?. Two contacts are automatically created in Sugar (if new ofcourse), I then merge these contacts to one. Is the primary email address then synced back to both lists? Or are there still two separated entities in Mailchimp? Thanks!
9 years ago
Hello, good questions. You're certainly hitting some edge cases here :)
Everything is based on the primary email address in Sugar, but we do track primary email address changes. So when you merge the contacts in Sugar, it will detect the primary email address change and update the non-primary address in MailChimp.
For example, say we have List A and List B in MailChimp. The subscriber is on List A with Email A and List B with Email B. When you merge those contacts in Sugar, let's say Email A is the the new primary, the subscriber in MailChimp on List B with Email B will be updated to Email A.
Let me know if you have other questions. Thanks!
9 years ago
Hello, just checking in. I'm going to close this case for now, but comment below or open a new case if you have additional questions. Thanks!