by Fanatical Labs

Save Your Team Countless Hours. SugarChimp syncs your lists in both directions so you can work in your preferred app. Segment and group your Mailchimp subscribers based on Sugar data so you can market to the right people at the right time. Compatible with all versions and editions of Sell & Enterprise. Created by Fanatical Labs, 2023 SugarCRM Partner Award Winner.

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#1456 - Summation Report with Details on mailchimp activity

Closed Bug? created by apoly 9 years ago
Hello we are running V7.5 of sugar and the latest version of SugarChimp We would like to extract datas from the sugarchimp activity object within sugar. We are able to run some basic reports out of this module but we are facing some issues doing a consolidated report whenever we try to consolidate by the fields "Mailchimp Campaign" or MailChimp List" When ever we create such reports at the end when we run the report or preview it display a white screen . It does not even display a "No Data" text that would suggest that our query and filters are returning an empty set of data. doing the same report without grouping works well and for sure we have sufficient data to define groups. Thanks for your help Adrien
  1. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    9 years ago

  2. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    9 years ago

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