#1499 - uninstall sugar chimp from sugar7.5
I did install the sugar chimp for the sugar7.5 pro, exactly followed the following link https://www.sugaroutfitters.com/docs/SugarChimp/user-guide but not sure for what reason our instance became unusable , hence from module loader uninstalled, got a message as uninstall successful also performed repair rebuild of sugarcrm. now the sugar instance is working but the issue is we can still see sugar chimp fields in the lead , opportunity , contacts and many other modules, sugar implementer would like to know where all the sugar chimp found to made changes to the sugarcrm and how to clean completely sugar chimp files, fields and database level if any impact. our first interest t make out suagrcrm clean with sugarchimp , please suggest how to completely remove the sugar chimp
Thanks and regards
9 years ago