by Fanatical Labs

Save Your Team Countless Hours. SugarChimp syncs your lists in both directions so you can work in your preferred app. Segment and group your Mailchimp subscribers based on Sugar data so you can market to the right people at the right time. Compatible with all versions and editions of Sell & Enterprise. Created by Fanatical Labs, 2023 SugarCRM Partner Award Winner.

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#1900 - Subscribers being unsubscribed when deleted in SugarCRM

Closed Feature created by LeahP 8 years ago

Hello, When i delete or merge two contacts (which deletes one of the contacts), the subscriber is being unsubscribed in Mailchimp, not just deleting the contact.

How do i change it?

  1. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    8 years ago

    Hey Christopher,

    Can you tell me more about how you are merging Contacts? If one Contact is on a synced Target List while the other is not, then a merge could potentially unsubscribe your MailChimp subscriber. If possible, ensuring both Contacts are on the synced Target List prior to the merge should keep the unsubscribe from happening. Let me know if that is a possibility for what you are trying to accomplish.

    • christophert member avatar


      8 years ago

      All this is happening when i am within the contacts module. For instance, when i am in the contacts module, i click edit, find duplicates, go through that process and then i log into mailchimp and the contact has been unsubscribed. What would having both on the same list achieve? From my view, the contact is being removed from the target list and then sugarchimp is unsubscribing them. And even then, if i delete a contact from Sugar, that doesn't mean i want them unsubscribed from that list. i may want to move that contact back to that list at a later point and I would have to delete all their activity data from that list in order to return them to the list.

      Is there a way to set what sugarchimp does with the contact depending on if they are deleted?

  2. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    8 years ago

    Hey Christopher,

    Thanks for the added details. You are correct in everything that you have described above. We do not have any options for how to handle removals or deletes of subscribers. If that email address is still found on a synced target list, after the removal, then SugarChimp will not unsubscribe that particular email address from MailChimp. This is how you could get around the issue for now. The way it currently works is a limitation of MailChimp's API. We have had no other methods of removing subscribers in MailChimp.

    MailChimp has recently released their newest API version 3.0, which includes the ability to add and remove from lists at will, without losing subscriber activities. Since then, we have adapted SugarChimp to transition to using the v3 API, giving us the same ability. This will be included in the next SugarChimp update. I cannot give you a specific release date for that yet, but it is coming soon.

    Let me know any more questions or concerns you have, they have all been great points. Your issues should all be fixed once we get our next version out.

    • christophert member avatar


      8 years ago

      ok then. So how delete a contact from without deleting it from a target list? Once the contact is deleted from the contacts module, it's removed from all areas of Sugar, correct?

      How did you guys originally think to handle deleting a contact? I ask because i need to know what my options are because as it stands i can no longer delete contacts.

  3. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    8 years ago

    The majority of our customer base use the deleting to remove them from their records, so we have matched our functionality to that. If you want to keep the person in MailChimp even after they are deleted from Sugar, you can unsync the Target List (change the MailChimp dropdown to blank). Then delete the Contact in Sugar and the update will not fire over to MailChimp.

    If you are merging records, then you can still just add both records to the Target List before merging. Our overall goal with the integration is to help Sugar and MailChimp line up as much as possible.

    • christophert member avatar


      8 years ago

      I'm happy for the contact to be deleted from the mailchimp list, just not unsubscribed. is there a way to do this?

  4. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    8 years ago

    Christopher, I'm going to reach out via email to see if we can get this resolved quicker there.

  5. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    8 years ago

    Hey Christopher,

    Thanks for taking the time to get on a call with us last week. We will stay in touch throughout the beta process to make sure everything is running smoothly. I'm going to close this case out for now. You can either send us an email, or open a new support case if you need anything. Thanks again!

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