#2498 - target list not syncing
We have a target list in spyglass that has been syncing with a list in Mailchimp without problems for a while. Today we have added a couple of hundreds of contacts into the list and expected it to sync with the list in Mailchimp. However the list is not syncing and the following message is reported in the logs:
Thu Sep 15 15:21:03 2016 [11501][-none-][ERROR] SugarChimp:error:1473952863: Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver cannot process webhook, no list id is provided
How can we fix this problem.
8 years ago
Hello Esther,
I'm sorry for the trouble. Can you send me a screenshot of your Health Status page to support@sugarchimp.com so I can best see what is going on? That is found on Admin > Health Status. If it is not already, please set the logger level to debug as well. The error that is reported above is a normal occurrence, unrelated to this syncing issue. Once I get the screenshot, I will know more about what is happening during the sync process.
Thanks, Jon
8 years ago
I'm working with Greg to resolve your syncing issues via email. I will update the forum here once I know more about what's going on. Thanks!
8 years ago
We were able to give Greg some things to look into but never heard back on rather or not everything was working as expected. Let us know if something else comes up and we'd be happy to help get you fixed up. I'm going to close this case out for now. Thanks!