#2725 - SugarChimp doesn't populate ProspectList with Contacts using manual synchronization
We are experiencing an issue with SugarChimp plugin when we try to Sync or populate a SugarCRM ProspectList from a MailChimp List. We do the following steps: - Go to Admin > Health Status - Scroll down to Link Sync Status and select "Sync Mailchimp Data to Sugar" - Click "Queue Re-sync" button
After that, a Job is correctly queued, but after that, anything happens, and the SugarCRM Prospect List isn't populated at all. No Contacts are created or added to the list.
Looking into sugarcrm.log, the only issue we found is: "SugarChimp_Queue::queue_mailchimp_subscribers: There was no batch data to import to Sugar from MailChimp for list #LIST_ID# "
Is there any configuration that we are missing?
Thank you in advance, Regards,
8 years ago
Hello, thanks for reaching out. Here are a couple things to check:
1) Can you verify that your Sugar scheduler is setup and running? Is the cron job configured on the server so that the Sugar cron.php script is run every minute? One way to check this is to go to Sugar > Admin > Schedulers, click on a scheduler that runs "as often as possible" then look at the run history. Does it show recent run history? Or is it blank or have old dates?
If it's blank or has old dates, you will need to setup your cron job so that it runs the SugarChimp cron.php script every one minute. This will run the SugarChimp scheduler which will import the data you're looking for.
2) If you're scheduler is running, the next thing to check would be your MailChimp List. If you go to MailChimp and click on the MailChimp List that you are trying to import to Sugar. Does it have subscribers on it? The error message you are seeing in the logs indicates there are no subscribers on your MailChimp list, so there is nothing to import. Make sure you have the correct MailChimp List synced with the Sugar Target List based on the list id that is shown in the logs.
Give these things a look and let me know what you find. Thanks!
8 years ago
Sugar Scheduler is setup correctly and running as expected. In addition, Mailchimp List is populated with Contacts (8k+ Contactas subscribed).
Mailchimp list also has the Webhook configured as expected.
Thank you in advance, Regards,
8 years ago
Thanks for checking on those items.
One more thing to check, if you go to your list in MailChimp and look at your subscriber list, what is the label used for the email field?
In the screenshot below, it is "Email Address". Can you send me a screenshot of yours? Is it also "Email Address" exactly? Or something else?
8 years ago
Hello again,
In Mailchimp list, the label for the Email Address is shown as "Email"
Thank you in advance, Regards,
8 years ago
Got it, thanks. Try this:
Go to your MailChimp List Click "Settings" Click "List Fields and Merge Tags" Then change the label for the email address to exactly "Email Address" (so it looks like my screenshot) Then click "Save Changes" Go back to Sugar, then try to resync from MailChimp to Sugar, give it 15-20 minutes to run.
Let me know if it works after that. If it does not, we'll get a call scheduled so I can take a closer look. Thanks!
8 years ago
It seems that those changed did the trick. Now is syncing correctly.
Thank you for all Best regards,
8 years ago
Good to hear! I'm going to close this case out for now.
Let us know if we can help with anything else. Have a great week!