#2777 - SugarCRM target list is not synching to MailChimp
Hi Support,
We have installed SugarChimp plugin in SugarCRM 7.6. We have installed successfully. When we are syncing target list to MailChimp, Scheduler is running for one hour after that its terminating automatically. sugar target list also not populated to MailChimp. In Sugar Log We are getting below Fatal error. "SugarChimpOutfittersLicense::get_current_plan: there is not a past validation" "SugarChimpOutfittersLicense::get_current_plan: bad data in last response"
For synching the target list we have followed the https://www.sugaroutfitters.com/docs/SugarChimp link. We are using the trial version of basic plan, Is this a problem?
Please help us to resolve the above issue.
8 years ago
I apologize for the troubles, but I'm happy to help get you up and running. Could you go back into Admin > SugarChimp Configuration and send over a screenshot of step 2 to support@sugarchimp.com. That error above is cause from your license key not being validated on SugarOutfitters. I want to ensure that it is now up and working properly. The Basic trial plan will sync correctly, so that is not the issue.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
8 years ago
[screenshot removed]
8 years ago
Thank you for getting that to me. I removed the sensitive license key since these forums are public. The app is definitely validating appropriately. My guess is that those logs are older ones that are no longer occurring. Can you confirm that?
There are a couple of things to check and see why SugarChimp isn't syncing correctly to MailChimp. Can you go to Sugar > Admin > SugarChimp Health Status and take a screenshot of everything on that page? Can you also send me your Sugar logs? To get the sugar log, go to Sugar > Admin > System Settings and click "View Log" at the bottom. Then click "All" to get all of the log file data. Copy everything that is on that page, then put it into a text file. That will help me get a little more information.
We also save the batches that are sent to MailChimp for debugging. Navigate to admin > Health Status (SugarChimp section). Then, we will go to a hidden page by changing the end of the url from “health-status” to “adminbatches”. Wait while this populates. Click on the ‘show’ buttons until you find one that shows some "Errored Operations" in red. If you find any, then download it from the link. Send over those downloaded files, hopefully 2 or 3 if you have them, for further inspection.
Then email the screenshot and any files to support@sugarchimp.com and I’ll have a little more context to work with.
8 years ago
I have sent the necessary screenshots via email. Please let me know issue is causing.
Look forward to hear from you.
8 years ago
Thanks again for getting those to us. After looking through the screenshots it is clear that your scheduler is not running. Let’s check to see if your other Sugar Schedulers are running. Go to your Admin > Scheduler page, and click on any of Schedulers with an interval of "As often as possible" and shoot me a screenshot of that status.
The schedulers rely on a server's Cron to work. They must be enabled and operating from the server side in order for the integration to work properly. Here are some links to get you started in the right direction:
Sugar Support: Introduction to Cron Jobs Sugar Support: Troubleshooting Schedulers and Cron
Look into that and let us know what you find. If Your other jobs are working, then we will need to get your php/apache error logs to find out why the Scheduler is failing right from the start. We'll get it figure out.
8 years ago
After getting on a meeting, we've been able to discover that the issue revolves around the server being unable to write to your config_override.php file within Sugar. We're working on permissions issues to try and get this problem resolved. Our last email correspondence offered some final suggestions that could potentially unlock that config_override.php file for writing.
Let us know how it goes from there. Thanks.