by Fanatical Labs

Save Your Team Countless Hours. SugarChimp syncs your lists in both directions so you can work in your preferred app. Segment and group your Mailchimp subscribers based on Sugar data so you can market to the right people at the right time. Compatible with all versions and editions of Sell & Enterprise. Created by Fanatical Labs, 2023 SugarCRM Partner Award Winner.

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#3525 - sync: "cross pollination" between multiple lists

Closed Bug? created by steffenhansen 6 years ago

While trying to have multiple lists in mailchimp synced to corresponding target lists on sugarcrm (and with the correct pairings set), I see cyclic updates to all involved lists on both sides until all involved lists have the same set of list members. Email addresses on multiple lists on mailchimp side can maintain different 'Email Marketing' statuses on different lists (read: it can be 'Subscribed' on one list and 'Unsubscribed' on another). Deleting emails from one of the (mailchimp) lists gets synced to suitecrm, and then back to mailchimp on the other list(s). I have no idea if this is related, but I've found multiple occurrences of these two suspicious lines in the suitecrm.log file: * "Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver cannot process webhook, no list id is provided" * "SmartList_Mode_All get_initial_sql: cannot generate query, this->metadata is empty"

This situation has already caused financial impact on the mailchimp side (our suitecrm is self-hosted), and has forced us to only maintain one pairing between mailchimp and suitecrm (for the time being) and to keep the other small lists updated with csv exports.

  1. steffenhansen member avatar


    6 years ago

    running: * suitecrm 7.9.9 * sugarchimp 7.9.4a

  2. fanatical_jon member avatar

    Jon S Provider

    6 years ago

    Hello Steffen,

    I apologize for any inconvenience that SugarChimp has caused with your workflow. However, I do believe we can get this lined up so that multiple list syncing is working for you. What we need to do in your case is change the global_opt_out setting for SugarChimp, so that it does not mark records as opted out in SugarCRM when they are unsubscribed from a MailChimp List. I would be happy to look at this with you, and ensure everything is working as expected. Can you setup a time for us to do that here:

    I look forward to helping get this figured out.

    Thanks, Jon

  3. fanatical_jon member avatar

    Jon S Provider

    6 years ago

    Hello Steffen ,

    I wanted to see if you were able to setup a time for us to look at your system together? If the calendar does not line up with your work schedule, we can try to find something that works for both of us via email. If that is the case, send an email over to with your schedule and we will make something work.

    Thanks! Jon

  4. steffenhansen member avatar


    6 years ago

    I apologize for the late reply. I have now scheduled the time. We have, however, diverted away from the setup above, partly because of the bug, and partly to optimize list management on the mailchimp side. We are now synchronizing only one list. Should I setup a second, empty list, to be used just for debugging purposes?

  5. fanatical_jon member avatar

    Jon S Provider

    6 years ago

    If you would like to understand multiple list syncing and your options for the future, then I believe setting up a secondary debug list is a good idea for our call. Otherwise, if you will not be going back to the multiple list syncing, then we can still discuss how the sync works and your options for managing subscriber preferences, segmenting on Sugar fields, etc. from one master list in MailChimp. Either way, I will look forward to helping get the integration working for your needs.

    Thanks, Jon

  6. steffenhansen member avatar


    6 years ago

    I have just setup an empty list on the mailchimp side and a empty target list on the crm side. If I connect them on "SugarChimp Configuration", set it to bring updates from the Mailchimp side (as contacts on crm), and wait for the next scheduler run, the empty target list starts filling up with contacts... Now, the supposed source should be the (still) empty mailchimp list (the mailchimp_list_id is the correct one), but the addresses themselves are the ones coming our master mailchimp<->crm list.

    I've decided to interrupt this (by deleting the crm target list), as our master mailchimp list has over 10k subscribers in it. Had I not interrupted it, steady state would be two lists of about 10k subscribers on the mailchimp side (which gets us over the billing threshold), and if I then start to delete subscribers on the "empty" mailchimp list, syncronization would have them also be deleted from the initial master list.

    There's a bug here somewhere. We are happy to help you identify it, but we no longer need this setup (as we have finally learned to use list segments on the mailchimp side).

  7. fanatical_jon member avatar

    Jon S Provider

    6 years ago


    Thank you for your time on the call this afternoon. We were able to find that the list syncing options were not communicated well, causing you to set the 'Sync All' option on Step 3 instead of the 'Do not sync automatically' option. I can definitely understand how this can be misunderstood, and we have discussed better wording options for this page that would help users understand what is really happening.

    I appreciate your time. Let us know if we can help with anything else as you use the integration.

    Best Regards, Jon

  8. steffenhansen member avatar


    6 years ago

    I realize now I have misread (or not read at all) the explanatory texts of each option, and guided my choices by the options' names alone. The options' names did indeed misled me, but the accompanying texts do seem clear.

    Thank you for the time you've in explaining this to me. I can now make better, more informed use of this tool.

    Best regards

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