by Fanatical Labs

Save Your Team Countless Hours. SugarChimp syncs your lists in both directions so you can work in your preferred app. Segment and group your Mailchimp subscribers based on Sugar data so you can market to the right people at the right time. Compatible with all versions and editions of Sell & Enterprise. Created by Fanatical Labs, 2023 SugarCRM Partner Award Winner.

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#3526 - sync: "Pending to Mailchimp" items "stuck"

Closed Bug? created by steffenhansen 7 years ago

The image bellow describes the problem best. Both the "Lists" and the "Targets/Leads/Contacts" in the "Pending to Mailchimp" section have been "stuck" on the shown values for days. Syncs have been manually forced in both directions, with no improvements.

![sugarchimp-health-status.png]( "sugarchimp-health-status.png")

  1. steffenhansen member avatar


    7 years ago

    I guess this is both a "Bug" and a "Feature Request", as I would like to have an easy way to view those "queued items", and eventually remove items from it, or completely clear said "queue".

  2. steffenhansen member avatar


    7 years ago

    running: * suitecrm 7.9.9 * sugarchimp 7.9.4a

  3. fanatical_jon member avatar

    Jon S Provider

    7 years ago

    Hello Steffen,

    There are some pieces here that I can help clarify and get you what you need. First off, the ongoing sync is still working, as you are only syncing one list (on the bottom of the Health Status page), and it is showing as Sync Complete. This also tells us that the items stuck in the queue are from older synced lists which have been deleted. However, if records were in the queue whenever these syncs were cleared, then they are not removed.

    Fortunately, we have a way of clearing the queue out. Navigate to: /index.php?module=SugarChimp&action=admin

    This will show you everything that is sitting in the queue, even if the data is not the prettiest. You have the option to empty out this table from a button at the top of the page. Once clear, go back to the Health Status page and verify that everything is clear.

    Let me know how it goes.

    Thanks! Jon

  4. steffenhansen member avatar


    7 years ago

    Hello Jon,

    Thank you for your help, I was indeed able to clear the queue.

    However, another bug came showed its head: the Health Status page is completely empty now:


    I've managed to work around this by repeating the "SugarChimp Configuration" steps (which are also broken at the "Let's get Started" button, but I digress), but it would be nice to not have to repeat these steps all the time.

    Returning to the original subject: I was not aware of the existence of this /index.php?module=SugarChimp&action=admin entry point. I do not see a corresponding link to it in any of the places I expect it to be: it's not on the left sidebar nor in the Admin area. Some permission problem on my side, or did you simply not make it available?

    Thank you.

  5. fanatical_jon member avatar

    Jon S Provider

    7 years ago


    We do not make it available openly, but typically use it internally for supporting the customers. In regards to the other issues, I believe they are bugs with the ajax routing in Suite that we need to address. If you go back to the admin page, and try to reach the health status, does it show up correctly? I believe the bug occurs whenever you try to reach one of our pages from either the sidebar or dropdown menu. Let me know what you find.

    Thanks, Jon

    • steffenhansen member avatar


      7 years ago

      You are right, going to the health status via the admin page works, accessing it via the sidebar or the dropdown menu does not (now, but it has in the past).

      Anyway, I agree that the initially reported issue is fixed, and so you can mark this as solved.

      Thank you for your help.

  6. fanatical_jon member avatar

    Jon S Provider

    7 years ago

    Thank you Steffen, I will do so. I will also investigate and see if I can quickly address the broken ajax links issue. You are the second person reporting the problem.

    Best Regards, Jon

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