by Fanatical Labs

Save Your Team Countless Hours. SugarChimp syncs your lists in both directions so you can work in your preferred app. Segment and group your Mailchimp subscribers based on Sugar data so you can market to the right people at the right time. Compatible with all versions and editions of Sell & Enterprise. Created by Fanatical Labs, 2023 SugarCRM Partner Award Winner.

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#366 - Sync with Mailchimp List

Closed Feature created by inkriti 11 years ago

I added to additional fields to Contact list and want to sync with Mailchimp List .Is this possible using sugarchimp.

If yes,Can you please explain the process.

  1. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    11 years ago

    Hello, SugarChimp does not currently allow the syncing of additional fields out of the box. Depending on your needs, we might be able to create a custom solution for you at an additional cost. What are you wanting to accomplish?

  2. inkriti member avatar


    10 years ago

    I want to add three fields.One Account owner,Account Name and Account owner email. what is the an additional cost?

    • fanaticallabs member avatar

      Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      As you've probably read on the main SugarChimp page, SugarChimp is under new ownership. We are still working on the transition process. It may be a couple days, but I'll get back to you on this soon.

  3. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    10 years ago

    The current version of SugarChimp does not support additional fields to sync. In future versions, we are looking to add this feature.

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