#3756 - error before upgrade to Sugar8.0.0
In the Healthcheck before we started our upgrade to SugarCRM 8.0.0, we got this PHP error message: BUCKET => F: [Issue 75][phpError][529][E_WARNING: Declaration of SmartList_Field::get_regular_database_fields($module) should be compatible with Fanatical\Core\v1a\Field::get_regular_database_fields($module, $include_fields = Array, $exclude_fields = Array) in file /mnt/sugar/shadowed/oaktree.sugarondemand.com/modules/SmartList/includes/classes/SmartList/Field.php on line 33]
I'm not sure how to resolve this so we can upgrade- can you help? Thanks! Jennifer
6 years ago
Hello Jennifer,
You will need to get on the latest version of SugarChimp in order to upgrade to SugarCRM 8. We have a package available for download now that ends with "for-Sugar8.zip" which will install in Sugar7 and be compatible with Sugar8. If the subscription is under your account, you can get to your order page by going to your main dropdown > Purchases. Find the correct Order and download the correct zip file. From there, follow the yellow section on how to upgrade SugarChimp here: https://www.sugaroutfitters.com/docs/SugarChimp/user-guide
Let me know how that goes.
Thanks! Jon
6 years ago
Unfortunately it wasn't under my account, and the one who ordered is no longer here. I have our license info, etc - how could I get access to the upgrade?
6 years ago
SugarOutfitters was able to help with that. Thank you!!
6 years ago
O, great. Well that should get you what you need. I'll close this case out. If you need anything else don't hesitate to ask.
Thanks, Jon