#3828 - Old Mailchimp activities do not sync
Hi team,
I have some past activities which are not synced with Sugar, we saw that together a few weeks ago and I tried to execute these commands line like you told me but it's not working SUGAR.App.api.call('get',SUGAR.App.api.buildURL('SugarChimp/setting/initial_activity_table_fetched/0'),{},{}); SUGAR.App.api.call('get',SUGAR.App.api.buildURL('SugarChimp/setting/days_to_sync_activities/XX'),{},{});
Could you please help ?
Thank you Kind regards Olivia
6 years ago
Hello Olivia,
Those commands should do the trick to bring in activities from older Campaigns in MailChimp, unless they are ongoing Automated campaigns. Could that be the case? If not, then we need to look at it together. Can you schedule a call for us to do that here:
Schedule a Meeting
I look forward to talking with you soon.
Thanks, Jon
6 years ago
Hello Olivia,
Do we need to look at getting on a call together? Any updates on this issue from your end?
Thanks, Jon