by Fanatical Labs

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#3960 - "GDPR Consent Date" field from SugarCRM not updated in MailChimp

Closed Bug? created by jbr 6 years ago

SugarCRM Professional 8.2.0 SugarChimp professional 7.11.3c

Details: - The field is correctly populated in SugarCRM - The field is correctly mapped in SugarChimp - The 2 impacted lists where re-synced from SugarCRM to MailChimp

Result given by customer on MailChimp: the date doesn't appear.

Is there any limitation on dates to be synced? Is there any information I need to ask the MailChimp user to correct this issue?

Best Regards,


  1. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Hi Jean-Baptiste,

    Thanks for reaching out. To confirm, is the only field not syncing from Sugar to MailChimp the GDPR opt-in date? In other words, other fields are syncing without issue. It looks like you may be on an older version of SugarChimp that may have had a date syncing issue. To resolve this, please follow the steps below:

    1. Update to the newest version of SugarChimp using the instructions found here:
    2. Navigate to the Health Status page and queue a resync

    Please let me know if this issue persists after following the steps above.

    Best, Heidi

  2. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Hi Jean-Baptiste,

    I just wanted to follow up here to see if you are still having any trouble. Please let me know and I'll be happy to help further!

    Best, Heidi

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