#3967 - SugarChimp 8.2.1 - Installation not completing, stuck at 80%
We are currently working through updating our SugarCRM environment from to 8.0.2. To update from to 8.0.2 we need to update SugarChimp from version 7.8.3j to a version that is compatible with Sugar 8.0.2, so we are attempting to update to SugarChimp 8.2.1a.
I am able to load Sugarchimp into Module Loader without issue. When we click "Install" from Module Loader, the install starts but it is getting stuck at 80%. We have tried performing a full system index again, deleting the index data as suggested on SugarChimps site if the install sticks at 80%, however this has not resolved the issue.
We have tried using the following SugarChimp files:
We need assistance to get this installed, so we can continue the upgrade patch to 8.0.2 with MasterSolve/SugarCRM.
Contact Details:
Jason Galbraith
519-637-5886 Ext. 329
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago