#4057 - Target List Selection Dropdown
Hi there. We have a lot of lists.... a lot of lists. We will eventually move to one large list with tags but until then, we have a lot of separate list. When I go to "Choose a Target LIst" to sync to MC, my list of lists is only about 10 deep and the scroll bar ends and I can't access my other lists to select for syncing. Help please! I'm under some time constraints to get some ebalsts out in the next couple of days! Thank you!
5 years ago
Thanks for reaching out! Our newest version resolves this issue and makes it simpler to see your lists. Please use the link below to install the new package.
Once installed, you'll be able to easily search your lists from the Sync Setting page. Please let me know if you have any trouble!
Best, Heidi
5 years ago
Hi Kathy,
Apologies for the confusion, the correct link and version is below:
Please let me know if you have any trouble.
Best, Heidi
5 years ago
maybe that's why the install hasn't been working ;)
5 years ago
Are the install instructions the same, please?
5 years ago
Yes, the instructions should be the same. Simply download the entire zip file from Dropbox and then upload into your Module Loader.
If you have any trouble, can you tell me more about what you're experiencing?
Best, Heidi
5 years ago
This time it worked! Thanks much -- before it must not have been installing at all (got error msgs) but this upload worked and there's a search field in the Target List sync which will be very helpful! thanks, Heidi!
5 years ago
Awesome! Let us know if you need anything further!
Best, Heidi