#4085 - Lead names not created when synced from MC
We have a list that syncs new MailChimp records to Sugar on creation, however, the first name and last names are not synced over meaning the record has no name and we cannot view the lead record from the list view.
5 years ago
Thanks for reaching out. To confirm, are the email addresses being synced from Mailchimp to Sugar? To start, let's check the webhooks to confirm they're active and they match. I'm including instructions for finding Mailchimp's webhook below:
This webhook should be active and should exactly match the webhook that appears in SugarChimp's Health Status page within your CRM.
Thanks for your help in troubleshooting.
Best, Heidi
5 years ago
Hi Adam,
Wonderful! We don't currently have the ability to sync the Ecommerce order value. I've heard of other customers who asked this as well, so I'd love to provide some feedback to our developer as to why this would be a good feature to implement in the future. Can you tell me more about why this feature would be helpful and in what way it could be used?
Thanks for your insight!