#4130 - Health check shows more records to sync than actually exists
Hi SugarChimp support
I have a problem with the Health check showing a lot more to sync than is actually the case.
I think it is down to old history of lists that actually do not exist anymore - How can I clear this?
I only have 2 lists mapped to lists in MailChimp at the moment, but the overview shows this:
Lists: 21 Targets/Leads/Contacts: 10915
Br Lone
5 years ago
Happy to help. It does sound like we may have some things in the queue for lists that aren't actively being queued. From your Health Status page, can you delete the portion of the URL that says /health-status and replace it with /admin. This is the queue of data waiting to be synced to Mailchimp. Can you look at the date the records were created and updated and tell me how old they are? If you'd like to send a screenshot, you can send it to mailchimp@fanaticallabs.com.
Thanks for your help in troubleshooting!
Best, Heidi