#4131 - In Health Status: "The SugarChimp scheduler job is missing."
I have the issue that in the Health Status page it says that the scheduler job is missing.
I can see on previous cases that you suggest to:
1) Run the Quick Repair and Rebuild (this did not change the situation) 2) Reinstall the MailChimp module (I tried to reload the latest module 9.1.1a - but it will not upload it as it is already installed)
Can I downgrade the module to a previous version or do I need to uninstall the module completely?
I would hate to loose the settings and the mapping done on my lists as it is quite extensive....
Thanks for your suggestions
BR Lone
5 years ago
Happy to help. We should be able to get something on our end. Let me check in with our developer and I'll follow up again with you. In the meantime, since you just recently installed 9.1.1a, I'm hoping to take a look at your logs to see if they shed any light. Can you send along a copy of your Sugar logs to mailchimp@fanaticallabs.com so I can take a closer look? You can access these logs by following the steps below:
Thanks! Heidi
5 years ago
Also, it might also be worth confirming your permissions for installation are correct. Can you tell me if your CRM is behind a firewall? Here are some other permissions to also check:
Required File Permission Settings: https://support.sugarcrm.com/Knowledge_Base/Platform_Management/Required_File_System_Permissions_on_Linux/index.html
Default File Permissions and Ownership: https://support.sugarcrm.com/Knowledge_Base/Platform_Management/Setting_Default_File_Permissions_and_Ownership_Via_config.php/
5 years ago
Thanks for your patience! I chatted with our developer and had him take a closer look at the logs. It looks like the SugarChimp scheduler job was deleted at some point (looks like towards the end of April after various cron jobs were giving errors.) . The fastest way to try to resolve this is to uninstall the integration from the Module Loader and reinstall. The steps for doing this are below:
You can then re-install the same package. If that doesn't re-add the SugarChimp job, it might be worth checking with your server admin and let them know something is failing and not allowing us to add the appropriate file.
Let me know how things go after walking through this or if you have any trouble along the way!
Best, Heidi