#4287 - Error: Unable to retrieve MailChimp Lists
We have an error during sync.
There is the Sugar log :
"Subject: Heads up! SugarChimp Sync Failed
Body: Sometimes your Sugar instance is unable to communicate with MailChimp. If you only receive this email every once in a while, there is nothing to worry about. Sugar will re-establish where it left off and continue syncing with MailChimp.
If you are receiving this email every few minutes, please contact SugarChimp Suport so we can take a look: support@sugarchimp.com
Error: Unable to retrieve MailChimp Lists:
SugarCRM Version: 9.0.1
SugarCRM Edition: PRO
SugarChimp Version: 9.2.2c
Full error: Array
[status] => error
[message] => Unable to retrieve MailChimp Lists:
Only few contacts are sync to the Mailchimp list, do you know what is the problem ?
Kind regards
Synolia Support
5 years ago
5 years ago
4 years ago