#4372 - User permission backend
We have installed the plugin, but if a user is administrator type can access view mailchimp activities, if a user is not admin the system says he has no access. What are the roles and where are the roles to activate on SuiteCrm for users? We do not find sugarchimp in the roles dahsboard. thanks
4 years ago
Happy to help. To see Mailchimp activities within SuiteCRM without needing to be an admin, you can use the SugarChimp connector. Information on enabling this connector can be found here: https://fanaticallabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021367691
Additionally, since the integration is also syncing data to your CRM, you can use the Reports module to pull data as well.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or you're having difficulty finding the data you team needs.
Thanks, Heidi