#4468 - MailChimp Import Update not synced to SuiteCRM
Hi guys, I exported 2K emails from MC to CSV, and updated a single field on all records. Imported back into MC as an update to existing contacts. The updated field on the 2k contacts did not sync back to SuiteCRM. Any ideas? Thanks.
4 years ago
Just to add, when I manually updated a single record in MC, it did sync to CRM.
4 years ago
Happy to help. Data imported into Mailchimp isn't able to automatically sync to Sugar. Instead, you can queue a manual re-sync from Mailchimp to Sugar to get those values into Sugar. To do this, you can follow the steps below:
Alternatively, you can also import the data directly to Sugar using their import feature. More information about that can be found here: https://docs.suitecrm.com/user/introduction/user-interface/record-management/
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Best, Heidi