#4513 - Sugarchimp integration panel not showing after re-enabling Sugarchimp module from Module Loader
I am trying to re-enable my Sugarchimp integration which was disabled for some reason. However, when I re-enable it, it shows it is re-enabled successfully but does not show the settings panel in the Administration window.
Is there any additional step I need to do to make this work? Let me know in case of any questions.
SugarCRM version: Enterprise 9.0.1 Sugarchimp module version: 10.3.1b
3 years ago
Hi Pratik,
Happy to help. Can you try running a Quick Repair and Rebuild and let me know if that SugarChimp section re-appears for you? Steps for this are below: https://support.sugarcrm.com/Knowledge_Base/Troubleshooting/Performing_a_Quick_Repair_and_Rebuild/#Steps_to_Complete
Please let me know if that doesn't resolve the issue or if you have any further questions as you ensure SugarChimp is working as you desire.
Thanks, Heidi
3 years ago
That was a quick one. Yes, it resolved the issue. Thanks for the help.
3 years ago
Wonderful! Let me know if you have any further trouble.
Best, Heidi