#4556 - SugarChimp Creating Inaccurate Data in CRM
SugarChimp is causing records in our CRM to revert back to old, inaccurate, data. We have noticed over the last couple weeks since connecting Sugar to MailChimp via SugarChimp that when we update some records in Sugar, they are automatically being reverted back to their prior state.
For example, we have had multiple Leads have their Lead Status revert from "Converted" back to "New" shortly after being Converted. A user cannot make this change even if they wanted to, it must come from an Admin. I am our only active ADMIN so I know I did not make the changes. After speaking with Sugar and reviewing the activity logs for a few of these cases, a sugar Representative confirmed the issue is coming from our sync with SugarChimp. We have also had contact information revert back to old info just minutes after updating the record in Sugar. It seems as though SugarChimp is at times overwriting our new info with old info they still have stored in MailChimp.
I really like the concept of this product but if I cannot have confidence that our data is safe and not being incorrectly edited I will have to cancel our subscription.
Please let me know if there are any solutions for this issue.
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago