by Fanatical Labs

Save Your Team Countless Hours. SugarChimp syncs your lists in both directions so you can work in your preferred app. Segment and group your Mailchimp subscribers based on Sugar data so you can market to the right people at the right time. Compatible with all versions and editions of Sell & Enterprise. Created by Fanatical Labs, 2023 SugarCRM Partner Award Winner.

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#4707 - FATAL error meaning

Closed Bug? created by giovanni.vendraminetto 2 years ago

Dear support,

could you please explain the meaning of this error? [FATAL] SugarChimp:fatal:1670863547: SugarChimp_Scheduler_MailchimpListToSugarCRM->run Campaign does not have a name or subject to use as label, unable to use for reporting. mailchimp_campaign_id: d4af19daef

Thanks Giovanni

  1. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    2 years ago

    Hi Giovanni,

    Happy to help. This error indicates that a name wasn't entered for a Mailchimp campaign at the time the campaign was created. When creating a campaign within Mailchimp you'll need to add a name for the campaign, as shown here: When left blank, Mailchimp will automatically fill it in with default text. However, their default text isn't saved to the database and is only displayed on Mailchimp's front end so it isn't available for SugarChimp to obtain. Going forward, just be sure to fill in the name at the time of campaign creation.

    We attempt to grab the campaign data for about 30 days after a campaign is sent, so these errors will continue for about 30 days but will reduce as new campaigns are named.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions.

    Best, Heidi

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