#4764 - Heads up! SugarChimp Sync Failed
Good morning,
I ask for directions for this email received today 06 June 2023.
The colleague reports that in a short time he has received several emails with the same content
Da: CRM Administrator
Date: mar 6 giu 2023 alle ore 08:56
Subject: Heads up! SugarChimp Sync Failed
Sometimes your Sugar instance is unable to communicate with MailChimp. If you only receive this email every once in a while, there is nothing to worry about. Sugar will re-establish where it left off and continue syncing with MailChimp.
If you are receiving this email every few minutes, please contact SugarChimp Suport so we can take a look: mailchimp@fanaticallabs.com
Error: Unable to retrieve MailChimp Lists: Array
[type] => https://mailchimp.com/developer/marketing/docs/errors/
[title] => Too Many Requests
[status] => 429
[detail] => You have exceeded the limit of 10 simultaneous connections.
[instance] => 9acf8e01-61a6-6b58-f138-9ab5c38ab11d
Site: https://beninca.sugaropencloud.eu
SugarCRM Version: 13.0.0
SugarCRM Edition: ENT
SugarChimp Version: 12.3.0a
Full error: Array
[status] => error
[message] => Unable to retrieve MailChimp Lists: Array
[type] => https://mailchimp.com/developer/marketing/docs/errors/
[title] => Too Many Requests
[status] => 429
[detail] => You have exceeded the limit of 10 simultaneous connections.
[instance] => 9acf8e01-61a6-6b58-f138-9ab5c38ab11d
a year ago
a year ago
a year ago