#4823 - Checking Connection on Emails Syncing from Sugar to MailChimp
I am seeing that some of our emails from Sugar CRM may not be syncing to MailChimp. If this is the case I just wanted to have someone check our connection in terms of emails syncing because I am not seeing any recent contact syncs in MailChimp.
Thank you, Julia
about a year ago
Hi Julia,
Happy to help. It looks like you're on an older version of SugarChimp and we've had a few updates since then. Could you update to the latest version: https://fanaticallabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360004608392-Update-to-the-Latest-Version-of-SugarChimp
Additionally, can you tell me who you're syncing to Mailchimp (and how many records appear to be missing)? Are you syncing a subset of record or all contacts? This can be found within SugarChimp's Sync Settings. Finally, can you send along a screenshot of your Health Status page? This can be found within the SugarChimp section of Sugar Admin. You can send this and other personal details to mailchimp@fanaticallabs.
If you want to hop on a call and troubleshoot together, feel free to schedule a time here: https://calendly.com/fanaticallabs_support/sugarchimp-support-meeting
Thanks! Heidi
about a year ago
My apologies, that email is mailchimp@fanaticallabs.com
11 months ago
Just quickly following up on this ticket. We updated to the latest version and reconnected Sugar and Mailchimp. We then checked to see if there were any required fields in Mailchimp that were preventing data from syncing. By unchecking required in Mailchimp and queuing a re-sync it appears data is now moving as expected. Feel free to reach back out at mailchimp@fanaticallabs.com if you have any further trouble.
Best, Heidi