#576 - Where to find screen to enter API Key
In your instructions I see that you need to enter the API Key from MailChimp. However I don't know how to access that screen within SugarCRM to enter it.
Can you provide detailed instructions on how to get to the SugarChimp module screen to enter API key.
10 years ago
Hello, if you go to "Admin", scroll to the bottom to the SugarChimp section, then go to "SugarChimp Configuration". The first step in the process is where you put your MailChimp API key.
You probably already know this, but here's where you can find your api key in MailChimp just in case: http://kb.mailchimp.com/article/where-can-i-find-my-api-key
10 years ago
Hi there, I just wanted to follow up on this. Were you able to get things setup and running?