#621 - Stop the pending process
Is there any way that I can cancel a pending process? I can see a pending process for 3 lists in the Health Status Report. Both SugarChimp Synchronization job and SugarChimp Process Queue have successfully run but still these 3 lists are pending. We are using SugarChimp 11.0.7.
Thank you.
10 years ago
If you're using Sugar CE, you can go to
Sugar to MailChimp pending items: index.php?module=SugarChimp&action=admin MailChimp to Sugar pending items: index.php?module=SugarChimp&action=adminmc
There's a 'Empty Table' button you can use to clear out what's there. This will basically cancel all pending process that were to be synced to MailChimp.
Also, can you tell me which client you're working with on this? I know the SugarChimp license isn't connected to your account (which is perfectly fine), just so I can be more helpful I'd like to know.
Thanks again!
10 years ago
Did this answer your question?
I'm going to go ahead and close the case, but feel free to comment or create a new case if you need something else. Thanks!
10 years ago
Hi, Yes, that helped and I finally managed to cancel all the pending processes. Thanks