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#678 - Opted in Sugarcrm

Closed General Question created by stephane 10 years ago


i would like to know how do we manage the fact that when a subscriber is sync to sugarcrm and we unsubscribe from mailchimp the opted-out field in contact is check.

but if we re-add this subscriber to the list in sugar he will be re-added in the target list but the opted-out field is not un-checked. ?

thank you in advance

  1. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    10 years ago

    Hi Stephane, if you want to re-add someone to your Sugar Target List and have it synced to MailChimp, you will need to uncheck the opt-out box first and then add them to the Target List. SugarChimp will not sync people from Sugar to MailChimp if their email address is marked as opted out or invalid.

    Is there a reason you want to opt someone back in after they have opted out?


  2. stephane member avatar


    10 years ago

    Hello, The reason is simply they changed their mind! Let me explain. We have volunteer who subscribe to a program. In their profile the can choose wether or not to receive electronics communications (this is to comply with the new canadian anti spam law). So if they opt-in everything is fine: they are list as subscribe in MailChimp and sync to Sugar. Of someone opt-out, it is fine too: unsubscrive in MailChimp and their email in Sugar is opt-out. The problem is what if someone change his mind. After all they can freely go in their profile and modify his preference and opt in. I did the test and MailChimp put me back as a subscriber in MailChimp but Sugar still list my email as opt-out. Thanks

    • fanaticallabs member avatar

      Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation and reporting the issue!

      To opt someone back in from Sugar to MailChimp, my previous comment is how that would work.

      If someone opts back in from MailChimp, it will add them back to the Sugar Target List, but like you found in testing, they will still be marked as opted out in Sugar.

      It may be a few days before I have a patch for this fix, but I will let you know as we have this fix in place. Thanks!

    • stephane member avatar


      10 years ago

      If you can fix it. That would be great. The program for our volunteers is offline until mid-august. In theory, it is enough time for you to figure it out, enough time for us to test it and deploy it in production. Let me know Thanks

    • fanaticallabs member avatar

      Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      Thanks for the timeline information. That's good to know.

      I should be able to have something to you before then with time to test. Thanks!

  3. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    10 years ago

    Hi Stephane, I just posted SugarChimp 7.0.13 that includes this new feature. If someone resubscribes on MailChimp, their email address will be marked opted-in on the Sugar side. Give it a try and let me know how it works for you. Thanks!

    • stephane member avatar


      10 years ago

      Hello, My tech installed the new version. It does indeed what expected. My email was opted-out in Sugar but when I added my email as a subscriber in MailChimp, I was opt-in in Sugar.

      What is strange however is the following. It is a little bit hard to describe but I'll give a try. When I did my test, I used 2 of my own emails.

      The email was opted-out in Sugar but wasn't in mailChimp at all. When I added my email in MailChimp, it was opted-in in Sugar and I also appeard in the proper target list. However, the email was opted-out in Sugar and was in the subscriber of MailChimp. The change didn't happen in Sugar. I tried swichthing it from subscribe to unsubscribe to subscribe in hope to trigger something . Nothing. I tried to delete the target list in Sugar to recreate it. I expected the list to sync but nothing. In fact, none of the subscriber in the list was added, strangely.

      It seems the sync obey a specific logic. If the contact exist in MailChimp and have already been synced it will not sync it again unless I don't know what. Even moving it from unsubscribe to subscribe is not enough to trigger a sync. To resync I had to delete it from mailChimp and recreate it. It is now opt-in in Sugar and added to the proper target list.

      Can you fix this also.


    • fanaticallabs member avatar

      Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      Good to hear the original case is working now. Thanks for the follow up!

      In the souim13 case, what was the initial setup before you did anything? Are you saying souim13 was already subscribed to the list in MailChimp and the email was opted out in Sugar before you did anything?

      What then did you try to do? Can you give me a step by step guide to repeat it?

      And then what were you expecting to happen after you went through those steps?


    • stephane member avatar


      10 years ago

      Hello again, Okay, I'll try my best.

      About souim13@ (one of my account): In his account on the website, he chose to subscribe. In MailChimp, his email is in the subscriber. In Sugar, he is in the proper target list In Sugar, his email is also marked as opted-in. So everything is fine. If I chose to unsubscribe from the website, the following happened: In MailChimp, he is now unsubscribe. In Sugar, he is still marked as opt-in and in the list. Since he is not marked properly in Sugar, I did the switch manually. I flagged it opted-out in Sugar. Back in the account, I now chose to subscribe. As expected, MailChimp put me back as a subscriber. Sugar still maked me as opted-out.

      About stephane@: I bypass the web step because he doesn't have an account. In MailChimp, I added it as a new subscriber. In Sugar, he is in the proper target list In Sugar, his email is also marked as opted-in. I then put hit as unsubscribe in MailChimp. In Sugar, he is marked as opted-out and remove from the list. Since I can't put it back as a subscriber in MailChimp, I have to delete it before adding it again. After doing so, he is opt-in in MailCHimp and in SugarCRM and in the right list.

      Back at the souim13@ case, it is strange that the opted-out didn't work when the change came from the website. I will test deeper because it was working. What it seems is the informations in MailChimp is right but the way Sugar receive it vary on the wether it is a new recored or a modified one.

      What I expect to happen is the following: Opt-in from the website --> Subscribe in MailChimp --> Opt-in in Sugar and in the proper list Opt-out from the website --> Unsubscribe in MailChimp --> Opt-in Sugar and remove from the proper list. At first sight, it seems to work when the email is new in mailchimp but not when the email is already there. My two cents.


    • fanaticallabs member avatar

      Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      Thanks for the detailed response.

      I can't replicate the issue you're seeing. Is there a chance souim13 was on more than one synced list? If the souim13 person was on multiple synced lists and and the globaloptout setting is set to false, then you may have seen the results you did.

      For example, say you have MailChimp List A and MailChimp List B which are synced to Sugar Target List A and Sugar Target List B. Joe is on both lists. And the globaloptout setting is set to 0. In this scenario, if you unsubscribe Joe from MailChimp List A. The expected result is that Joe will be removed from Sugar Target List A. Joe will still be on Sugar Target List B and his Sugar email address will not be opted out.

      If globaloptout setting is set to 1, Joe would be removed from Sugar Target List A & B and his Sugar email address would be opted out.

      You can check your globaloptout setting by looking at the SugarCRM database, and run the following query: SELECT * FROM config WHERE category='sugarchimp' && name='globaloptout';

      Does that give you any more clues? Thanks!

    • stephane member avatar


      10 years ago


      Yes, souim13 was probably on one or more list. Our web integrator built the form the following way: 2 different profile is possible and in 2 different language. I can't tell you why but they spread it in MailChimp in 4 different list: profile 1 french, profile 1 english, profile 2 french, profile 2 english. Each list correspond with a list in Sugar. I have certainly switch souim13 language during my tests. Even if at the moment souim13 is only in one list, you are suggesting there is some data kept in the database that prevent the email from switch to opt-in.

      To access the database, I will have to ask my tech. In real life, this should not happen as I think people never change the language of their account and therefore they should stay in one list. Since I abuse the system with souim13, I will try repeating the whole process with a new email and see what happen.

      Thanks for the advice, I'll you know the result of my tests within the next few days.

    • fanaticallabs member avatar

      Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      Sounds great, thanks! Let me know how it goes.

    • stephane member avatar


      10 years ago

      Okay... I found very interesting things.

      I use 4 totaly new email; 1 for each list. I registered each of them the same way our volunteer or teacher will do. Meaning they create an account on the website and they subscribe to the newsletter. All of them were successfully transfered in MailChimp as a subscriber in the right list.

      First, they didn't appear in SugarCRM. Then I found out that I didn't specify to create new subscriber as either a contact, lead or suspect. After selecting contact, they we're created successfully. (Except for one who appeared as a suspect but I'm pretty sure it is a one time issu... we'll see)

      Now the fun part... I went into their profile on the website and choose to unsubscribe. As expected, MailChimp unsubscribe the email. SugarCRM still list them as opt-in! I did various test between the website and MailChimp and everything act as expected when subscribing and unsubscribe.

      However, Between MailChimp and SugarCRM things are little bit tricky. I discovered the following: Changing from subscribe to unsubscribe from the website put the account opt-out in MailChimp but Sugar still list it as opt-in. If I proceed directly in MailChimp. I select the account and manually put it as opt-out. Now Sugar mark the email as opt-out. If I delete the subscriber directly in MailChimp and re-add it as a subscriber, Sugar mark the email as opt-in.

      I don't understand. Do you?

  4. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    10 years ago

    To close out this case for everyone following, we found that the leads being added from Stephane's website is using the MailChimp API and not a MailChimp form. Because of this, the webhooks are not firing because they are not set to fire on API calls. They are setup this way to prevent infinite loops. The work around is to use MailChimp's forms or have your website create the Contact in Sugar and have the SugarChimp integration handle getting it into MailChimp. Thanks!

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