#792 - installation
Just started the install but no luck to get it working properly i am on SuiteCRM Version 7.1.2 Sugar Version 6.5.17 (Build 1220).
I can valitdate the license and connect with my api to mailchimp.
Configure mailchimp import lists than i get an error.
FATAL] Error inserting into table: sugarchimp: Query Failed: INSERT INTO sugarchimp (id,name,date_entered,date_modified,modified_user_id,created_by,deleted,mailchimp_list_id)
VALUES ('71f30e76-7acc-d476-b4e0-541bf1af1d34','AddWebhook','2014-09-19 09:05:39','2014-09-19 09:05:39','1','1',0,'da1c1fed4c'): MySQL error 1146: Table 'crm2.sugarchimp' doesn't exist
how to proceed creating these tables
10 years ago
10 years ago