#965 - Only accept incoming messages from white-listed domains or IP addresses
Is it possible to only communicate with a SugarCRM instance that has a specified domain name or IP address? Our situation is we are cloning our Production SugarCRM instance over our PreProd instance, and we don't want any emails going to Production addresses from the PreProd instance during the time between the cloning process completing and us having had a change to change the email settings in the CRM. Do you have any other suggestions to safe-gaurd against this risk?
10 years ago
Hi Shane, Sugar will only send out emails if you send a campaign from Sugar to your customers. So as long as you don't do that you should be fine.
In regards to SugarChimp, it doesn't send any emails to customers. It will just sync the data from your instances to MailChimp and MailChimp handles the sending when you create and send a MailChimp campaign.
If you want to temporarily turn off SugarChimp syncing during the cloning process you could go to Admin > Schedulers > SugarChimp and disable the scheduler.
Is that what you were hoping to do? Let me know if you have other questions. Thanks!
10 years ago
Hi Shane, I'm going to close this case for now.
Let me know if you need anything else regarding this. Thanks!