by Fanatical Labs

Save Your Team Countless Hours. SugarChimp syncs your lists in both directions so you can work in your preferred app. Segment and group your Mailchimp subscribers based on Sugar data so you can market to the right people at the right time. Compatible with all versions and editions of Sell & Enterprise. Created by Fanatical Labs, 2023 SugarCRM Partner Award Winner.

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#992 - Sync Lists in SugarCRM to MailChimp

Closed Feature created by helpdesk 10 years ago

Is there a way to sync lists in SugarCRM to MailChimp without accessing the admin panel in sugar? I wanted to give certain people the ability to sync lists but I do not want them to have administrative rights.

  1. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    10 years ago

    Hi there, yes it is possible to sync a list from Sugar to MailChimp without being an admin user. Your user can go to the Sugar Target List they want to sync with MailChimp, click edit, and select the MailChimp list from the "MailChimp List" dropdown and click save. Thanks!

    • helpdesk member avatar


      10 years ago

      I am not seeing the MailChimp dropdown when I open the target list in Sugar. I am clicking edit and I am only getting the options to Share, Export, Find Duplicates, Copy, View Change Log, and Delete. Is there some configuration that I need to do to have that option appear?

    • fanaticallabs member avatar

      Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      Have you already started a trial and installed SugarChimp? The button will not show up if you have not.

      If so, what version/edition of Sugar are you using?

      You'll need to click the actual "Edit" button, not the dropdown options next to it. MailChimp List is a field on the Target List record.


    • helpdesk member avatar


      10 years ago

      Yes we have installed our trial of SugarChimp. The button is showing now, but we have not been able to sync the list from Sugar to MailChimp. We created an empty list in MailChimp to sync our Sugar list to. Looking at the health status page we are not seeing any jobs that have been run. It tells us: "Last Successful Run: Never " It looks like the scheduler is not running.

    • fanaticallabs member avatar

      Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      Thanks for the information. Getting the Sugar Scheduler running is the first thing you'll need to do before we can go any further on SugarChimp. Do you have an IT team or Sugar Partner that can help you with this? Here are some instructions that may be helpful:

      Once you get it all setup you'll be able to start syncing to MailChimp.

      Let me know how it goes. Thanks!

    • helpdesk member avatar


      10 years ago

      The health report says there are 5 pending and it should sync every 5 minutes but it has not synced yet. We've been trying to get it to work for hours.

    • fanaticallabs member avatar

      Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      That sounds correct, but if the Sugar Scheduler is not running it will never process those 5 pending records. They will just sit in the queue.

      The Sugar Scheduler is a tool that comes with Scheduler to process background jobs. SugarChimp uses the Sugar Scheduler for the syncing process. When the Sugar Scheduler is setup properly, the SugarChimp job will run every 5 minutes and process the pending records in the queue.

      Can you confirm your Sugar Scheduler is setup and running?

      This may be a question for your IT group or your Sugar implementation partner. Thanks!

    • helpdesk member avatar


      10 years ago

      Great! Thank you for your help!

    • fanaticallabs member avatar

      Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      Anytime! I'm going to close this case for now. If you have more questions, feel free to bring them up on the call later today. Thanks!

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