by synolia

Field Mask will be your greatest ally in formatting your SugarCRM data. This module improves the reliability of your data and saves time for your whole team by allowing you to use input templates to your information fields (zip code, phone number, etc.).

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#1807 - URGENT: Performance issues ever since applying field masks

Closed Bug? created by fareedjreisat Verified Purchase 9 years ago
After installing the module and configuring a bunch of field masks for the Contacts and Leads module, all users are now seeing a very significant increase in loading time of those two modules in List View. I didn't do any complex masks or anything. Mostly just "upper_case" on name and address fields. I'm quite confident that this performance degradation is due to Syno Fieldmask, because I notice the Opportunities module is still performing normally in List View, and that happens to be the only module I have applied no field masks to. Please advise. I have already run multiple quick repairs, cleared cache, exited/restarted browser and have advised all my users to do the same thing. -Freddy
  1. fareedjreisat member avatar

    fareedjreisat Verified Purchase

    9 years ago

  2. fareedjreisat member avatar

    fareedjreisat Verified Purchase

    9 years ago

  3. synolia-primary-contact member avatar

    synolia Verified Purchase

    9 years ago

  4. synolia-primary-contact member avatar

    synolia Verified Purchase

    9 years ago

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  • "Really easy to install and was able to enforce phone fields that include extensions. Support is very responsive." - tlemotte

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