#2320 - Fieldmask not working as expected
We have purchased the plugin. In Account module we set up a filed mask for a VAT number with the following mask: 99999999-9-99. This works as expected. When we start to add a new account there is the mask and works fine. We have added another field mas to Account module (the field is on other TAB) whic is a Bank account number field with the following mask: 99999999-99999999-99999999 Adding new Account selecting the Bank account number the mask not working, we can enter any characters. BUT: when we open a saved record for Edit and we clicks in the Bank account number, the mask is there and works fine... Tried the clear cache method, Quikc Repair method, but nothing works. We have added some other masks.
In general if a Form have tabs the mask works only on the first tab - when adding new record.
Regards, Arpad
8 years ago
Hello Arpad,
We'll look into this and get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for the detailed scenario, this should help us identify the problem.
Kind regards, Synolia Support
8 years ago
Hello Arpad,
We analysed the code and found there is indeed an issue when the field with the mask is not present on the first loaded page (or view). We plan a fix for this issue next week. Until then we recommend that you place all the fields with masks on the first tab.
We are sorry for the inconvenience and we'll try to get it fixed ass soon as possible.
Kind regards, Synolia Support
8 years ago
Dear Synolia Support,
Thank You for your answer and we are waiting for the fix.
Kind regards, Arpad
8 years ago
Hello Arpad,
A new version of the module has been published. You can download it from the purchased items section. This version should correct the issues you were facing with our module.
Kind regards, Synolia Support
8 years ago
Dear Synolia Support,
Uploaded and installed the new version, and this works, on the second and other tabs are present the input masks. Thank You for Your help, quick response and the solution!
Kind regards, Arpad