#2796 - mask & number of digits
Is my understanding that in addition of defining a mask, and ensuring that the type of keys (numbers for example) exist in the fields. Product also force the number of digits, for example a mask
will validate entry of only numbers, and also forces to be 5 (no more no less)
is this correct? as in my installation is allowing less digits than the defined ones
8 years ago
For the example given, the module will validate only to exactly 5 digits. Please make sure you have installed the module correctly and followed all the steps indicated in the installation part of the documentation link here. After, it is recommended to clean you browser's cache, usually by pressing CTRL+F5 (depending on the browser).
If you still encounter difficulties with the module, please provide us with the version and flavour of your Sugar so that we can try and reproduce the issue.
Kind regards, Synolia Support