#2990 - This bug broke significant portions of our installation
Installation of this plugin broke significant portions of our Enterprise instance, hosted in the on-demand environment. Even after it was uninstalled, it left a bunch of files in the custom directory which continued to cause problems until Sugar support had to manually remove all of them. We will not be using this plugin and would like a refund.
7 years ago
For refund you will have to contact the Sugar Outfitters team. We would like to address these uninstall issues. Can you please specify the files left behind by the module?
Kind regards, Synolia Support
7 years ago
We received a note from support that the following files were still installed and active after the uninstall and had to be manually removed.
--BEGIN-- In ./custom/Extension/modules/Administration/Ext/Language/ SynoFieldMask.Administration.en_us.php SynoFieldMask.Administration.fr_FR.php
In ./custom/Extension/modules/Administration/Ext/Administration SynoFieldMask.administration.php
In ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/JSGroupings SynoFieldMask.jsgroups.php
In ./custom/include/Expressions/Actions SetSynoFieldMaskAction.php
In custom Synolia directory moved to Disabled directory --END—
7 years ago
A new version of the module is available, and it fixes this issue. You can download it from your profile page.
Kind regards, Synolia Support