#977 - Plug in not working
Good day, i just bought and install the add on, added a mask to the telephone fields in Contacts, but no mask appears. i'm using SuiteCRM/SugarCRM CE 6.5.18
Good day, i just bought and install the add on, added a mask to the telephone fields in Contacts, but no mask appears. i'm using SuiteCRM/SugarCRM CE 6.5.18
10 years ago
I tried numerous masks but no luck
10 years ago
We will investigate this problem and get back to you as soos as possible.
Best regards, Synolia
10 years ago
For the module to be fully functional you will have to do a "Quick Repair and Rebuild" in the Administration section of SugarCRM. Once that is done you can deploy patterns on the available modules from the SynoFieldMask section in the Administration.
Here are a few examples to help you set up the masks (the patterns are written between quotes, the quotes are not to be included):
Hope this helps you deploy your patterns, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
Best regards, Synolia
10 years ago
Good day, Thank you for your response. I followed your instructions and the mask is working now. I suspect it was the Pattern: prefix that I excluded from the mask.