by Opacus

The Opacus Activities Sync allows for a full bi-directional synchronisation between SugarCRM and your native calendar on your favorite device to synchronise calls, meetings and tasks. Works with Apple (iOS), Android, Outlook and Thunderbird/Lightning.

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#1862 - Problem when activate license

Closed Bug? created by nordestinnovazione 9 years ago

Hi, I've installed Activities Sync module for SugarCRM and when I insert the License key it remain in status "Waiting". I did a Quick repair and I got this error:

/* Table : principals / /COLUMNS/ /MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - id - ROW [name] => 'id' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' [auto_increment] => '1' / / VARDEF - id - ROW[name] => 'id' [type] => 'integer' [auto_increment] => '1' [dbType] => 'integer' [len] => '' [required] => 'true' / / INDEXES / ALTER TABLE principals modify COLUMN id integer NOT NULL auto_increment; / Table : calendars / /COLUMNS/ /MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - id - ROW [name] => 'id' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' [auto_increment] => '1' / / VARDEF - id - ROW[name] => 'id' [type] => 'integer' [auto_increment] => '1' [dbType] => 'integer' [len] => '' [required] => 'true' / /MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - ctag - ROW [name] => 'ctag' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' / / VARDEF - ctag - ROW[name] => 'ctag' [type] => 'integer' [dbType] => 'integer' [len] => '' [required] => '' / /MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - calendarorder - ROW [name] => 'calendarorder' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' / / VARDEF - calendarorder - ROW[name] => 'calendarorder' [type] => 'integer' [dbType] => 'integer' [len] => '' [required] => '' / / INDEXES / ALTER TABLE calendars modify COLUMN id integer NOT NULL auto_increment, modify COLUMN ctag integer NULL , modify COLUMN calendarorder integer NULL ; / Table : calendarobjects / /COLUMNS/ /MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - id - ROW [name] => 'id' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' [auto_increment] => '1' / / VARDEF - id - ROW[name] => 'id' [type] => 'integer' [auto_increment] => '1' [dbType] => 'integer' [len] => '' [required] => 'true' / /MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - calendarid - ROW [name] => 'calendarid' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' / / VARDEF - calendarid - ROW[name] => 'calendarid' [type] => 'integer' [dbType] => 'integer' [len] => '' [required] => '' / /MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - lastmodified - ROW [name] => 'lastmodified' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' / / VARDEF - lastmodified - ROW[name] => 'lastmodified' [type] => 'integer' [dbType] => 'integer' [len] => '' [required] => '' / / INDEXES / ALTER TABLE calendarobjects modify COLUMN id integer NOT NULL auto_increment, modify COLUMN calendarid integer NULL , modify COLUMN lastmodified integer NULL ; / Table : groupmembers / /COLUMNS/ /MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - id - ROW [name] => 'id' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' [auto_increment] => '1' / / VARDEF - id - ROW[name] => 'id' [type] => 'integer' [auto_increment] => '1' [dbType] => 'integer' [len] => '' [required] => 'true' / /MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - principal_id - ROW [name] => 'principal_id' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' / / VARDEF - principal_id - ROW[name] => 'principal_id' [type] => 'integer' [dbType] => 'integer' [len] => '' [required] => '' / /MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - member_id - ROW [name] => 'member_id' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' / / VARDEF - member_id - ROW[name] => 'member_id' [type] => 'integer' [dbType] => 'integer' [len] => '' [required] => '' / / INDEXES / ALTER TABLE groupmembers modify COLUMN id integer NOT NULL auto_increment, modify COLUMN principal_id integer NULL , modify COLUMN member_id integer NULL ; / Table : locks / /COLUMNS/ /MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - id - ROW [name] => 'id' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' [auto_increment] => '1' / / VARDEF - id - ROW[name] => 'id' [type] => 'integer' [auto_increment] => '1' [dbType] => 'integer' [len] => '' [required] => 'true' / /MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - timeout - ROW [name] => 'timeout' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' / / VARDEF - timeout - ROW[name] => 'timeout' [type] => 'integer' [dbType] => 'integer' [len] => '' [required] => '' / /MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - created - ROW [name] => 'created' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' / / VARDEF - created - ROW[name] => 'created' [type] => 'integer' [dbType] => 'integer' [len] => '' [required] => '' / /MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - scope - ROW [name] => 'scope' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' / / VARDEF - scope - ROW[name] => 'scope' [type] => 'integer' [dbType] => 'integer' [len] => '' [required] => '' / /MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - depth - ROW [name] => 'depth' [type] => 'int' [len] => '11' / / VARDEF - depth - ROW[name] => 'depth' [type] => 'integer' [dbType] => 'integer' [len] => '' [required] => '' / / INDEXES */ ALTER TABLE locks modify COLUMN id integer NOT NULL auto_increment, modify COLUMN timeout integer NULL , modify COLUMN created integer NULL , modify COLUMN scope integer NULL , modify COLUMN depth integer NULL ;

If I try to execute the query to the db it doesn't change, I always get this error every time I launch a Quick Repair.

I hope you can help me. Best Regards.

  1. nordestinnovazione member avatar


    9 years ago

    Could you please give me a feedback with this issue? Same problem on a customer instance.

  2. Opacus member avatar

    Opacus Provider

    9 years ago

    Does your server have access to communicate with external servers? The licensing routine needs to validate with the Sugar Outfitters licensing server.

  3. nordestinnovazione member avatar


    9 years ago

    I tried on a different server and I was able to go on with the activation process but the db error persists. Although everything seems ok on that instance from a functional point of view. So I tried to install on a third server (The production one) and I faced a new issue. User can only see their calendar but cannot edit/create events from thunderbird/android. This is a big issue for us because it is the main reason we were going to buy your solution. Can you please help us to solve it?

    We are on Suitecrm 7.1.4

  4. Opacus member avatar

    Opacus Provider

    8 years ago


    So on the Production Server, the Calendar was viewable, but you could not make any changes to it?

    Which version of Thunderbird/Lightning were you using?

  5. Opacus member avatar

    Opacus Provider

    7 years ago

    Apologies for the delay. We have a new version now which may solve your problem.

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