by Opacus

The Opacus Activities Sync allows for a full bi-directional synchronisation between SugarCRM and your native calendar on your favorite device to synchronise calls, meetings and tasks. Works with Apple (iOS), Android, Outlook and Thunderbird/Lightning.

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#3310 - Any Chance to relate an appointment directly to a case when using thunderbird/Lightning with SuiteCRM 7.8.6?

Closed General Question created by georgschuetz1 7 years ago
Hi Folks, i just startet the trial period. Installation went fine even tough quick repair tells me always to repair things that are already changed... Question: i can add an appointment in Thunderbird/Lightning Calendar. Fine. We do work a lot with accounts and cases to with we relate our appointments. Is there any chance to do that as well in Thunderbird/Lightning? Thanks for your help Best regards Georg
  1. Opacus member avatar

    Opacus Provider

    7 years ago

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