#4291 - decimal fields not displayed with 1000s seperator and ignores locale-settings
I have setup a template with fields of type decimal. The Locale and/or User-preferences specifies the comma as decimal points and a 1000s-seperator (point). When generating the PDF, the decimal value is printed without the 1000s-seperator and with a decimal point, instead of the expected decimal comma.
This is a bit of a problem for a lot of non American/English setups. I can't see any option to configure this in DocParser. Am i missing something?
Kind regards,
5 years ago
Hello Reinier,
Thank you for drawing our attention. Most probably this fix will be included in next release.
Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech
5 years ago
Thanks for your reply. Is there an estimated date for the next release?
Kind regards,
5 years ago
Hello Reinier,
We will release the next version into the upcoming week. We will let you know once after release.
Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech.
5 years ago
Hello Reinier,
We have released the latest version(1.5) of DocParser on the SugarOutfitters. Please install the latest package on your SugarCRM. While uninstalling the previous version please select "Do Not Remove Tables" option otherwise all your DocParser record will be removed from the system.
Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech.