by Captivea - SugarCRM Advanced Partner

Need a way to have customers sign a receipt or for project managers to draw a mock-up in real time right inside of Sugar? Add drawing fields to any SugarCRM module right from within Studio. Especially great when out in the field using a tablet. Signatures or drawings on the spot.

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#3632 - Field / Control does not save the signature

Open Bug? created by Ricardo Cairello Verified Purchase 6 years ago
We are using SuiteCRM with Samsung tablets to pick the signature of clients on the road. The problem is that after inputting the signature using the tablet´s screen (on Google Chrome / SuiteCRM) the signature is not saved in the database. **Environment** SuiteCRM Version 7.9.5 . SugarCRM CE Version 6.5.24 (Build 509). SuiteCRM using Suite P (the current and only theme possible). LAMP server (on-premise). Samsung tablets model A (10") Samsung tablets browsing using Google Chrome on Android.
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  • "This is a must have for anyone who needs a signature capture field! Thanks to Captivea for making it!"

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