by urdhvatech

Find Duplicates BEFORE You Save! Instead of waiting until after you enter a new record's information to know if it's a duplicate, know after the first field if you're working on a duplicate. Say NO to redundant data! Improve your SugarCRM data quality by being prompted of duplicate values while creating new records.

#1519 - Multiple fields in contact

Closed Bug? created by vishal.mehra Verified Purchase 9 years ago

When we select multiple fields in the contact for dedup check (First Name and Last Name), the software checks both these fields independently. Is there a way we can configure the software where it shows the dup check to fail only when both of these fields fail the dedup check?

  1. urdhvatech-primary-contact member avatar


    9 years ago

    The Dups are checked on each field only. Checking on multiple fields the way you have suggested is not supported. However i guess if the module and the fields are fixed you can customize the system, if you are familiar with SugarCRM developments.

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