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#291 - Top Menu "Home" Button"

Open Feature created by Glen 11 years ago

after updating from 2.4 t0 2.5, noticed our logo in the upper right hand corner of the menu bar, the logo also acts as a link to the home page were the dashlets reside. At the same time I also noticed there is a separate "Home" Button/link in the Menu as well. I have my menu in groups and tried to put the home link in one and all of the menu groups via admin>>Configure Module Menu Filters. The home link appears in the menu filters admin area, but the home link does not actually show up in the menu. The Module Menue filters do not seem to affect the "Home" link. So ultimately it would be nice to hide the "Home" link as the logo now can be used as the link. Hope this makes sense.

Thank you for a great theme, the subpanel operation is the best out of all the other themes out there so far and the new updates are a little easier on the eyes then 2.4

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