#1031 - Gmail Sugar Not User Accounts
I have successfully installed the product, with key and i believe all patches... looks like it's working yet there is no Gmail Sync options that show up in the user profiles.
I am using sugar community edition, fyi.
10 years ago
We assume that you installed the Patch which is only for Old Users. You are using GSync very first time therefore no need to install any patch. Patch is only for EXISTING USERS who installed GSync in last few months because we introduced few Upgrades in GSync. Please uninstall the patch you installed and choose your Respective package from following packages available on Sugar Outfitters.
After downloading the package please follow the steps mentioned in following URL. https://www.sugaroutfitters.com/docs/gmail-sync
For more details, please Visit FAQs: https://www.sugaroutfitters.com/docs/gmail-sync/faqs
Please let us know if it helps or need any further help.
Regards Rolustech Support
10 years ago
I have the same problem. After validation success the continue button is not available. I have tried everything.
10 years ago
We are using Sugar On Demand 6 and no patches have been used.