#1207 - GSynch Issue - Why its not working
Hi! After spending a while with Maria @ Rolustech, investigating why our Gmail synch isnt working with Sugar and hasnt been for quite a while, she brought to my attention that he was getting the following error:
'Error Free Trial was cancelled. Please purchase a new license on SugarOutfitters to continue usage'. The validation key associated is: 299d3d97aa2dcf1c0c45d8327fc97f7f
I think there was some confusion on my part with regards to getting to grips with Sugar, yourselves and general processes for both. Can we please resume either the trial or be billed for Gsynch, for 12 licences I think it is.....
Please advise me at your earliest convenience our next course of action and indeed, your own - thanks and apologies in advance for any confusion.
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago